Investing for the Everywoman
How to confidently get started investing ... EVEN if you have no idea how to start, what is involved, or no money to start with!
What if there was a less overwhelming way to learn how to invest so that you could....
  • Actually begin preparing for your future...
  • Feel like you understood what those bank statements meant..
  • Actually understand what's been going on with that 401(k)...
  • Get started investing in your future without all the anxiety, fears, and overwhelm...
  • Feel confident in yourself and your ability to prepare for retirement...
  • Build sustainable wealth on your terms...
  • Finally understand your whole financial picture...
As it turns out, investing isn't often explained in 
a way that is easy to understand... 
....So it makes total sense why the sheer thought of investing makes you anxious.
The problem is...
  • You don't know who to trust with your money or how to begin
  • You're so overwhelmed by all of the terms and are convinced it's too much for you
  • You are afraid that you don't have enough money to even bother getting started
  • You feel that investing is only for people with lots of money already
  • You are so anxious about losing money that you don't want to learn how to invest
  • You know you should start investing but just keep finding a way to push it to the bottom of the list
  • You are embarrassed that you don't know how to get started or who even to ask
While these reasons and fears ARE legitimate... 
 you absolutely CAN and SHOULD invest. If other women can succeed and get their finances together, SO CAN YOU!
BUT first, lets clear up some misconceptions...
You don't need to have any prior experience to learn
It's true! If you studied absolutely anything and everything BUT investing in school or know zero - nothing - zilch - nada about finances, that's completely fine! Your past doesn't define you. It is much more important to embrace where you currently are and build a plan towards where you want to go!
Not all investing has to be full of risk - you can build a plan that works for you!
Financial ignorance is not bliss. Everyone should prioritize their financial health, regardless of their backgrounds. You are never too young to get started or too old to learn a thing or two. No matter what your bank account situation is, chances are good that you'll come away learning more than a few helpful things from this course.
You don't need lots of money to get started!
No matter what you make, save, invest, earn, or have in debt payments, know this: you are WORTH IT. You don't need a bank account with lots of zeros to feel successful or "wealthy". The key to building sustainable wealth and securing a prosperous financial future is to put a plan in place and take measurable steps towards achieving your goals. The most important part? Getting started!

SO WHAT makes me so UNIQUE to teach you all of this.... 
I'm a Financial Advisor and the CEO and Founder of SavviHer: The Financial Resource for the Modern Woman. I'm also a female investor, an entrepreneur, an avid Chocolate Chip cookie enthusiast, and a mom. 
Talking about your finances can seem overwhelming, confusing, and even boring. The good news? I get it! I know women are unique and I believe you deserve a different approach to thinking about and managing your financial life.

After working with female clients as an Advisor, I recognized that in the male dominated financial industry, women often felt ignored or overwhelmed when it came to having a conversation about their own personal finances. I noticed that women often felt left out and unsure about where to turn and who to trust with their important questions. So, I decided to do something about it. I created online resources to meet women right where they already were and to empower them to take that first step.
A graduate of the University of Notre Dame's Mendoza College of Business, I am passionate about helping other young women break into the world of financial management and am working to develop a network of financial advisors that also recognize the need to change the outdated way the industry approaches and works with women. 

I feel most rewarded when I help a client have her "lightbulb" or "a-ha!" moment and am so fulfilled when I'm able to help other women live their most meaningful lives. When I'm not in the office, I enjoy running, exploring new parts of the world with my husband, baking chocolate chip cookies (I've got the Nestle Tollhouse Chocolate Chip cookie recipe memorized!), cheering on all Cleveland sports teams, and teaching my two year old son the words to the Notre Dame fight song.
You NEED a tool that will help you...
Learn the key investing fundamentals so you can...
follow along with those financial headlines, understand company financial documents, and also have a solid understanding of what's going on with your own portfolio.
Understand how to read your financial statements so you can...
have a more robust conversation with your financial advisor or make adjustments so that you can meet your long-term investing goals.
Invest for your future so you can...
build and establish generational wealth, benefit from multiple streams of income, and plan for and afford your dream life.
Learn what's really going on with that 401(k) so that you can...
finally feel like you have a direction, are no longer overwhelmed or confused, and truly feel confident in what you're invested in.
This is why I am excited to Introduce you to...
Investing for the Everywoman
INVESTING FOR THE EVERYWOMAN is an online course for any woman that wants financial independence, to learn how to invest for their future, and to finally have the confidence to live the life they've always imagined.
 Full of informative video tutorials, step-by-step instructions, and a comprehensive workbook, INVESTING FOR THE EVERYWOMAN will help you to finally invest in and build that future you deserve.
You will learn how to...
Develop a better understanding of key investing principles and concepts
...including: compound interest, risk tolerance, asset allocation, management style, and many more!
Define your financial values and investment goals 
and learn how they influence your investment approach. This way, you'll be able to truly understand your priorities and develop a plan for most realistically addressing those financial hopes and dreams.
Understand what it means to invest, how to get started, and how to monitor results going forward.
No matter how much money you have to start with, it is important that you feel confident in what you're doing. We'll help you get there!
Gain confidence from feeling more informed
so that you can invest with confidence and feel proud that you have a better understanding of your overall financial health.
All of this, with ONE EXTRA invaluable resource...
INVESTING FOR THE EVERYWOMAN is is created by a female financial advisor/mama/entrepreneur/friend/sister 
who knows how important it is to invest in your future.  Unlike other programs that leave you with more questions and more confusion...I will be with you to provide support, examples, helpful resources, and tips & tricks.
This means you will have....
  • ACCESS TO AN ONLINE COURSE COMMUNITY; receive support and connect with other amazing like-minded women
  • AN ACCOMPANYING COURSE WORKBOOK; Over 50 pages of engaging content and resources to guide your course journey
  • ​TIME BACK ON YOUR CALENDAR; Enjoy learning on the go or wherever you are - no need to drive or commute to class!
  • THE ABILITY TO GET STARTED IMMEDIATELY; No more waiting for the right time to get started. You'll be able to log on and view the course immediately after purchase.
INVESTING FOR THE EVERYWOMAN will dramatically reduce 
your level of overwhelm  and quickly, help you learn to invest once and for all
What’s Included in...
Investing for the Everywoman
Fun & Informative
A Comprehensive Step-by-Step Program that is easy to follow, user-friendly, and that will greatly improve your financial "know-how" and the way you feel about investing...forever.
Course Workbook
The course includes a downloadable companion workbook with 50+ pages specifically created to help guide your learning, allow you to take notes, and reinforce key concepts. 
Our Complete Goal Setting Workbook
 Including: goal trackers for those short, medium, and long-term goals, as well as tools to help you better define your financial goals and values.
Access to our Online Course Community
Connect with other like-minded women in our customized, private course community designed to help offer support, additional resources, and guidance.
Lets take a look at exactly 
what is inside waiting for you...
Lets take a look at exactly 
what is inside waiting for you...
Why Invest?
We'll discuss what investing is, why it is so important, and how it fits into your life. After completing this section, you'll be motivated to get started!
  • We will discuss: ​What it truly means to invest, how investing fits into your financial life, why women tend to be strong investors, and how your financial goals determine your investing approach.
  • Includes: Downloadable investing goal setting worksheets to help you get started!
Investing Fundamentals
Investing is something that every woman CAN and SHOULD know how to do.
  • We will discuss:​ the history of the Stock Market, key terms and concepts every woman should know, as well as go into detail about the various available types of investment options so that you can finally feel more confident in getting started.
  • Includes: A thorough explanation of investing options to consider depending on your goals and risk tolerance.
How to Evaluate Investment Choices
Trying to pick a stock to invest in can be quite a challenge. We'll break down what to look for and consider when selecting a company to invest in.
  • We will discuss: how to do your research, things to consider, and what to watch out for when choosing a company to invest in.
  • You'll also learn: the different types of stock "classifications" to consider when choosing your investments.
How to Get Started & Understand Your Investment Performance
For some, getting started investing is the hardest part! We'll breakdown the ways you can take action to get started investing (with an advisor or not) and some things to consider as you begin.
  • We will discuss:​ the do's and don'ts of investing, various ways you can begin to invest, things to consider as you start, what it is actually like to work with an advisor, as well as how to truly understand your investment performance and those detailed financial statements.
  • Includes: A guide to deciphering your investment statement.
How to Really Understand that 401(k)
We'll break down those employer-sponsored plans so that you can finally understand what they truly are and how to optimize them!
  • In this module, we will:​ discuss things you may want to consider when selecting your investment choices as well as what to do with this type of account if you should ever change jobs.
  • We'll also discuss: Why it is so important to contribute to these plans as well as what types of options exist for self-employed individuals. 
Planning for Retirement 
It is never too early to begin planning for your retirement and preparing for other key milestones. 
  • In this module, we will:​ discuss ways to think ahead, detail the various types of retirement accounts that are available for you and your unique situation, and take steps towards planning for your future.
  • We'll also discuss: different types of retirement account options, how to invest in them, and things you will want to keep in mind!
Investing for the Everywoman
...Because You Deserve to Live the Life You've Always Imagined
( VALUED AT $1275 )
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Plus These BONUSES
I’ll also throw in these 4 BONUSES that makes this decision a no brainer. 
Bonus #1 SavviHer Financial Checklist
Don't stay in the dark! Our Financial Checklist will help you understand what financial tasks you should aim to accomplish and when!
Bonus #2 SavviHer Phone Wallpaper Images
Need a daily reminder to stay the course and continue on your path towards financial wellness? Our SavviHer phone wallpaper images can be easily downloaded and saved to the background of your phone. We've got you, friend!
Bonus #3 SavviHer Budget Tracker
If you find it cumbersome and tedious to organize your expenses each month, this tracker should help you. This simple tool will help you stay organized and on top of your expenses!
Bonus #4 SavviHer Monthly Income Tracker
If you have inconsistent or unpredictable income, this tool will help you stay organized and help you document your monthly income so you always know what you're working with!
*These free bonuses work out to be an additional $150 value!
   All orders are processed through a secure network.
This Program is for you if...
  • You're tired of feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or confused about all things investing:​ We understand! You can and SHOULD invest and feel confident about doing so.
  • Know you need to begin investing but have no idea how to start: Our tips, videos, and guidance will give you the information and confidence you need to get started!
  • You want to invest...finally! You deserve to live the life you've always imagined. Investing responsibly is one of the many ways to help you achieve your financial goals and build sustainable wealth for your future.
This Program is NOT for you if...
  • You want to get rich quickly:​ Investing is not a "get rich quick" scheme or the same thing as gambling. In order to achieve financial success, taking a long-term approach is often the most wise course of action.
  • You're not interested in learning new things: To get different results, you sometimes have to try and learn something new! Yes, financial language and investing jargon can be complicated but we think you'll get the hang of them in no time!
  • You don't want to be put in the effort: Financial ignorance is not bliss and building wealth doesn't happen overnight. Being patient and willing to stay the course is so important!
You're gonna love it... it's our Guarantee
If after 14 days and you have fully completed the course, you're still not satisfied, then we will offer you a full refund.
What do you have to lose? We know you're going to love it!
What if I literally know NOTHING about finance? Will I be overwhelmed?
Not at all! We designed this course with you in mind! We encourage you to print out the course workbook to guide you along and keep you focused. Also, feel free to take the course in bite size pieces and pause the videos anytime you need to! Go at your own pace!
I am so nervous about investing. Will this course help me even if I don't have money to start investing yet?
YES! This course will give you just enough to help you understand some of the biggest topics, components, and key parts of investing. We'll breakdown some of the more common investment options and outline a path to getting started, no matter what your budget allows or how much you have to invest with. These tips and tricks are for everyone!
I feel so overwhelmed by finance in general. How will this help me?
This course is designed to help answer all of those questions that you know you need to ask but are too afraid to share. We know that managing your finances can be so tough! This is why we designed this course to be taken at your own pace and in the comfort of your own home. Feel free to replay any videos you need more help with and log in to our private online course community for support and encouragement!
What if I need additional help beyond this course?
We are here for you ANYTIME! Log on to our online course community or drop us a note at: We want to empower and assist you as much as we can!
I already feel like I have no idea where my money is going. How can I afford to pay for this course too?
Life is expensive. We get that! That's why we are not charging you hundreds of dollars for this course. We aimed to make this course as helpful and impactful as possible while still keeping the total cost within your budget. We know it is not easy to afford these types of things, but we hope you'll find all of the content, materials, and bonuses to be WELL worth the investment!
How do I get started?
Once you enroll in the course, you'll be given access IMMEDIATELY to the course page and to our content. From there, you can download our workbook, begin watching the video modules, and get learning! You'll have access to the content for as long as you'd like - no expiration date!
So one more time 
what are you getting?
Why Invest?
We'll discuss what investing is, why it is so important, and how it fits into your life. After completing this section, you'll be motivated to get started!
  • We will discuss: ​What it truly means to invest, how investing fits into your financial life, why women tend to be strong investors, and how your financial goals determine your investing approach.
  • Includes: Downloadable investing goal setting worksheets to help you get started!
Investing Fundamentals
Investing is something that every woman CAN and SHOULD know how to do.
  • We will discuss:​ the history of the Stock Market, key terms and concepts every woman should know, as well as go into detail about the various available types of investment options so that you can finally feel more confident in getting started.
  • Includes: A thorough explanation of investing options to consider depending on your goals and risk tolerance.
How to Evaluate Investment Choices
Trying to pick a stock to invest in can be quite a challenge. We'll break down what to look for and consider when selecting a company to invest in.
  • We will discuss: how to do your research, things to consider, and what to watch out for when choosing a company to invest in.
  • You'll also learn: the different types of stock "classifications" to consider when choosing your investments.
How to Get Started & Understand Your Investment Performance
For some, getting started investing is the hardest part! We'll breakdown the ways you can take action to get started investing (with an advisor or not) and some things to consider as you begin.
  • We will discuss:​ the do's and don'ts of investing, various ways you can begin to invest, things to consider as you start, what it is actually like to work with an advisor, as well as how to truly understand your investment performance and those detailed financial statements.
  • Includes: A guide to deciphering your investment statement.
How to Really Understand that 401(k)
We'll break down those employer-sponsored plans so that you can finally understand what they truly are and how to optimize them!
  • In this module, we will:​ discuss things you may want to consider when selecting your investment choices as well as what to do with this type of account if you should ever change jobs.
  • We'll also discuss: Why it is so important to contribute to these plans as well as what types of options exist for self-employed individuals. 
Planning for Retirement 
It is never too early to begin planning for your retirement and preparing for other key milestones. 
  • In this module, we will:​ discuss ways to think ahead, detail the various types of retirement accounts that are available for you and your unique situation, and take steps towards planning for your future.
  • We'll also discuss: different types of retirement account options, how to invest in them, and things you will want to keep in mind!
So one more time 
 what are you getting?
Bonus #1 SavviHer Financial Checklist
Don't stay in the dark! Our Financial Checklist will help you understand what financial tasks you should aim to accomplish and when!
Bonus #2 SavviHer Phone Wallpaper Images
Need a daily reminder to stay the course and continue on your path towards financial wellness? Our SavviHer phone wallpaper images can be easily downloaded and saved to the background of your phone. We've got you, friend!
Bonus #3 SavviHer Budget Tracker
If you find it cumbersome and tedious to budget and organize your expenses each month, this tracker should help you. This simple tool will help you stay organized and on top of your expenses!
Bonus #4 SavviHer Monthly Income Tracker
If you have inconsistent or unpredictable income, this tool will help you stay organized and help you document your monthly income so you always know what you're working with!
If you're ready to get started, we'll be waiting for you!
You DESERVE to feel financially confident and you CAN do this. Get started today to begin investing in your future and living the life you've always imagined!
( VALUED AT $1275)
   All orders are processed through a secure network.
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